Dec 8, 2012

VoxxoV Records - Faith In A Wet Season | Fall Is A House Of Gold And Rain

Faith In A Wet Season

VoxxoV  new-born French label released this year a two capacious and beautiful compilation from various artists.

After i almost finish my review i found out I was did it in wrong order but it not blur impression because of different styles of them.
Faith In A Wet Season range between calm drone tunes and lovely strings compositions. Mood of the compilation is also range from sometimes dark and a bit depressive shades to dreamy and sleepy glowing.

As all tracks in is without any complains from me I was impressed the most from several track the most. Absolute favorite is a "Several Tree Huggers Were Found Dead" by Teho Teardo with it's awesome strings lines and very powerful moving. "Continuum" by Field Rotation is put me in a very special mood of non-thinking by it's medative texture witch growing with violin section and some bass additives. I have to mention the last track from this compilation. Amazing "The Threshing Floor" by William Ryan Fritch now is a new discovery for me in a topic of how instrumental music can sound.

I can recommend it for slow walk in the morning mist or just meditative resting.

     Fall Is A House Of Gold And Rain

This releas on the other hand have different genre than previous and i got a lot of new artist to follow from it. Sounding placed somewhere between IDM and experemental electronica. Most of the tracks has complicated beat schemes and interesting composition. This music is defenatly for night in moving like the music you wanna listen when you in the night bus for example.

I feel not comfortable about picking but i mostly loved "Jihad Blues" by Kesson; "Empty Dreams" by r.roo; "Everyday Stories" by Esoteric Sob and "A Spectacle Fit For Monarch" by Infinite Scale


Both compilation are totally free and available for download in mp3* and flac* from website of VoxxoV Records :

Few other links: 


Few examples:
