Dec 12, 2012

The Netherlands

Earlier in December I was visiting Netherlands for the first time and was on the sea for the first time in my life. I didn't bring any digital cameras with me for this trip, although, just as always, I had my Praktica L2 with me so I bring some photos to share.


Dec 8, 2012

VoxxoV Records - Faith In A Wet Season | Fall Is A House Of Gold And Rain

Faith In A Wet Season

VoxxoV  new-born French label released this year a two capacious and beautiful compilation from various artists.

After i almost finish my review i found out I was did it in wrong order but it not blur impression because of different styles of them.
Faith In A Wet Season range between calm drone tunes and lovely strings compositions. Mood of the compilation is also range from sometimes dark and a bit depressive shades to dreamy and sleepy glowing.