Oct 17, 2011

cantaloup - the sirens sleep

Cantaloup - The sirens sleep

Well i was a little over reacting when album came out, because it's was a long three years, but after a few days of careful listening made my point of the album.

Few mouth ago i already write about cantaloup past releases so I don't feel to introduce he again (here you can read).  

I am glad what cantaloup is still cantaloup. Of course genre is change a bit but is still as i remember. 

 Ligeia - first track on album and is need to be first because it's sound like perfect intro. Tracks and album start to growing on that moment. Starts with an chastity keyboard and cliche for cantaloup guitar line. then drums bass coming. Again: it's a fine intro song. After first track album not keep a same melancholy but waves through songs. Wheels give a half-asleep feelings. I don't mean this is boring you know that feelings when you in road on train or bus at early morning and and absolutely quiet - thats what i mean! En goguette have a affluence of instruments include banjo and melodica. It's a fast going on happy song. Rise of album. rest is time when vocals coming on. We all some time just need a rest :) Last tree song, for me is a second part of this album, starts with short instrumental prelude called intermezzo. But echoes is electronics track more like a old remixes made by hoodwink and there is vocal there again. Lullaby is a last track. Thomas already share this a some weeks ago. Is a piano based with field-records with guitars and cello lines. But album version is much longer then previous version - now there a another song coming after minute of silence. As intro is like perfect outro and sounding like record from live performans and ends with sound of train. 

Thats pretty much thats it. I know my review is lame thats because i cam review those artist's i become a fan.

But it's awesome album and i recommend this for everybody!
it's pay what you want but i donate 2 euro anyway just as symbolic.
